--- /dev/null
+;; @file path.asm
+%ifndef HEX
+% define HEX(y) 0x##y
+; @function _handler_path
+global _handler_path
+ push ax
+ push bx
+ push cx
+ push dx
+ push si
+ push di
+ push es
+ push ds
+ xor dx, dx
+ call _skip_whitespace
+ cmp byte ptr [bx], 0
+ jne _handler_path.copy
+ mov si, cs:[_vec_env]
+ mov cx, cs:[_vec_env + 4]
+ mov es, si
+ xor di, di
+ and cx, cx
+ jz _handler_path.err_no_path
+ push es
+ mov ax, es:[di]
+ mov es, ax
+ push es
+ xor bx, bx
+ mov ax, es:[bx]
+ push cx
+ push es
+ push ds
+ mov cx, ds
+ mov es, cx
+ mov ds, ax
+ xor ax, ax
+ push ax
+ mov ax, offset _temp
+ push ax
+ call _strcpy
+ add sp, 4
+ pop ds
+ mov ax, ds
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ax, offset _var
+ push ax
+ mov ax, offset _temp
+ push ax
+ call _strcmp
+ add sp, 4
+ pop es
+ pop cx
+ and ax, ax
+ jz _handler_path.print
+ pop ax
+ pop es
+ add di, 2
+ dec cx
+ jz _handler_path.err_no_path
+ jmp _handler_path.find
+ pop ax
+ pop es
+ mov ds, ax
+ xor bx, bx
+ call _writestr
+ mov al, '='
+ call _writechr
+ mov ax, es:[bx + 2]
+ and ax, ax
+ jz _handler_path.no_value
+ mov ds, ax
+ xor bx, bx
+ call _writestr
+ pop ds
+ pop es
+ add di, 2
+ mov al, HEX (0D)
+ call _writechr
+ mov al, HEX (0A)
+ call _writechr
+ dec cx
+ jz _handler_path.done
+ mov si, bx
+ mov di, offset _arg
+ push di
+ xor al, al
+ mov cx, 256
+ rep stosb
+ pop di
+ push si
+ call _strlen
+ add sp, 2
+ mov cx, ax
+ rep movsb
+ cmp byte ptr [di - 1], ' '
+ ja _handler_path.got_arg
+ mov byte ptr [di - 1], 0
+ dec di
+ jmp _handler_path.trim
+ mov bx, offset _arg
+ push di
+ mov si, cs:[_vec_env]
+ mov cx, cs:[_vec_env + 4]
+ push bx
+ mov es, si
+ xor di, di
+ and cx, cx
+ jz _handler_path.no_var
+ push es
+ mov ax, es:[di]
+ mov es, ax
+ push es
+ xor bx, bx
+ mov ax, es:[bx]
+ push cx
+ push es
+ push ds
+ mov cx, ds
+ mov es, cx
+ mov ds, ax
+ xor ax, ax
+ push ax
+ mov ax, offset _temp
+ push ax
+ call _strcpy
+ add sp, 4
+ pop ds
+ mov ax, ds
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ax, offset _var
+ push ax
+ mov ax, offset _temp
+ push ax
+ call _strcmp
+ add sp, 4
+ pop es
+ pop cx
+ and ax, ax
+ jz _handler_path.found
+ pop ax
+ pop es
+ add di, 2
+ dec cx
+ jz _handler_path.no_var
+ jmp _handler_path.find2
+ mov ax, 4
+ push ax
+ xor ax, ax
+ push ax
+ call _xmalloc
+ add sp, 4
+ mov si, ax
+ push ax
+ mov ax, offset _vec_env
+ push ax
+ call _vec_push
+ add sp, 4
+ mov ax, offset _var
+ push ax
+ call _strlen
+ add sp, 2
+ mov cx, ax
+ inc cx
+ push cx
+ push dx
+ call _xmalloc
+ add sp, 4
+ push es
+ push si
+ mov es, si
+ xor si, si
+ mov word ptr es:[si], ax
+ push di
+ mov es, ax
+ mov si, offset _var
+ xor di, di
+ rep movsb
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ mov es, si
+ xor bx, bx
+ mov ax, es:[bx + 2]
+ and ax, ax
+ jz _handler_path.get_value
+ push ax
+ call _free
+ add sp, 2
+ xor ax, ax
+ mov es:[bx + 2], ax
+ pop es
+ pop bx
+ pop cx
+ sub cx, bx
+ and cx, cx
+ jz _handler_path.done
+ push cx
+ push dx
+ call _xmalloc
+ add sp, 4
+ mov es, si
+ xor di, di
+ mov es:[di + 2], ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov si, bx
+ xor di, di
+ rep movsb
+ jmp _handler_path.done
+ mov bx, offset _err_no_path
+ call _writestr
+ pop ds
+ pop es
+ pop di
+ pop si
+ pop dx
+ pop cx
+ pop bx
+ pop ax
+ ret
+; @function _skip_whitespace
+global _skip_whitespace
+ cmp byte ptr [bx], 0
+ je _skip_whitespace.done
+ cmp byte ptr [bx], ' '
+ ja _skip_whitespace.done
+ inc bx
+ jmp _skip_whitespace
+ ret
+;; Data area.
+_err_no_path: db "No Path", HEX (0D), HEX (0A), HEX (00)
+_var: db "PATH", HEX (00)
+_arg: db 256 dup (0)
+_temp: db 256 dup (0)